
Janessa Palaming, a talented tattoo artist hailing from Quezon City, Philippines, is renowned for her remarkable artistic abilities. With a background as a professional multimedia artist, Janessa has seamlessly transitioned into the world of tattooing, dedicating seven years to mastering her craft. Her specialization lies in abstract colour realism, where she brings vibrant and captivating creations to life. Driven by her passion for continuous growth and learning, Janessa participates in tattoo conventions, immersing herself in the collective wisdom and inspiration of fellow artists. Her dedication and talent have earned her coveted positions as part of the Starbrite Colors Pro Team and World Tattoo Events Pro Team. Additionally, Janessa is proudly sponsored by Tattoo Super Shop and Macbeth Philippines, further recognizing her excellence in the field. See more of Janessa’s extensive portfolio on her Instagram page.    


Book your free consultation

Start your tattoo journey with us.
Not all enquiries require a consultation and we can typically provide all the details you need over email as our team are highly experienced in tailoring your ideas to the artist most suited to what you have in mind. However, if you would like to book a one to one consultation with an artist, we're more than happy to set something up. Please note - we are unable to arrange consultations with our guest artists.

We try our very best to respond to enquiries within 24 hours, Monday - Friday. Emails can sometimes find their way to your junk folder so be sure to check there if you've not heard from us and add to your safe senders list. We can't wait to bring your ideas to life!